Solutions Magazine

The CEO closer to the network!

Jerry Garcia, Aruba : "est le business qui fixe les règles du réseau. Mais c’est le top management qui fixe les règles du business… et le CEO qui dirige cette équipe dirigeante."

Le CEO au plus proche du réseau !

Data Center

Infrastructure, Servers, Network, Storage

The CEO closer to the network!

Dec 12, 2022 | Data Center, The Expert's opinion | 0 comments

The stronger the CEO-network relationship, the greater the impact on IT, operational functions and the business in general, argues Jerry Garcia, Country Manager Belux, Aruba.

As a CEO, it is impossible to be involved in all the decisions of the company. That’s why a strong management team is essential. Each member is responsible for the smooth running of his or her departments.

Does this mean that the CEO of a company is never in contact with the IT team and the network? Of course not. At the current pace of digitalization, this is simply unthinkable. Technology is now the driver and enabler.

This is a question worth considering. Of course, not all CEOs have the same level of understanding of the network and involvement. “However, the stronger the CEO-network relationship, the greater the impact on IT, operational functions and the business in general,” says Jerry Garcia, Country Manager Belux, Aruba.

Benefiting all business priorities

Investing in the network means investing in all parts of the business and all its objectives. “There is no department that doesn’t want to work faster, better, easier, smarter, cheaper and more secure. This investment will benefit all of the company’s priorities, which will come out ahead.”

The health crisis has already demonstrated the fundamental importance of digital transformation to the survival of any business. “Being equipped with the latest technology equates to helping customer-facing and end-user departments deliver more competitive, higher quality products and services while adapting to the demands of an ever-changing marketplace. This means that back-end functions can provide better support to the rest of the business.” It also means that employees – regardless of which department they belong to or where they choose to work – can have the best possible experience, without technical barriers and complications preventing them from performing at their best. “During the pandemic, many telecommuting employees had great connectivity,” says Garcia. Now they want the same ease and fluidity in the office.

The importance of the network in strategy

Automating a company’s systems is also an interesting alternative. It streamlines operations, eliminates human error and overcomes limitations. Most importantly, it frees up time for employees to focus on value-added projects. With the right technology, it would also be possible to extract truly actionable insights from the mountain of data that has accumulated…

“Enterprise data can generate significant savings. It can improve operational efficiency. And even open the door to new business opportunities and revenue streams. But that data must first be stored, secured, sorted and analyzed. All of which a good enterprise network can help with!

In reality, these features are just the tip of the iceberg. To realize the full potential of the network, CEOs need to work closely with the CIO or IT manager and other departments.  The goal is to understand the exact impact of the network on the various components of the business.

Critical to achieving sustainability goals

Sustainability is not just a strategic priority. For most companies around the world, it has become THE priority, as it is driven both from the top down (by boards, investors and governments) and from the bottom up (by employees and the general public).

“In fact, network and sustainability have one thing in common: they touch all areas of the business,” says Jerry Garcia. Therefore, the network can have an impact on sustainability in all its dimensions!”

By enabling companies to take a sustainable approach, measure and demonstrate their level of commitment to sustainability, and design more sustainable products and services, the network is indeed essential. If there were only one reason for a CEO to invest in the right network infrastructure, this would be it. Every CEO needs to put sustainability at the top of their priority list.

Being current is good. Being ahead of the curve is better

Given the rapid pace of change, any CEO who sees his or her network as simply a way to run the business and stay current with technology has already lost the game, says Jerry Garcia.

“Not so long ago, in the event of a network outage, your employees could very well perform manual tasks during maintenance. Today, in the same situation, the entire operation is down. So by ensuring business continuity, the network has become a fundamental part of the business!

But it holds much more potential. With the right infrastructure, a company can differentiate itself from the competition and stay ahead of the game. By investing in an agile network, the CEO empowers every division of the company to innovate: from IT to R&D.

An agile network not only integrates support, but also provides the foundation for any technology development that can move the company forward and ever closer to its goals.

Create strong links for top management

The network cannot be the responsibility of a single manager or department. “While I’ve focused on describing the relationship between the CEO and the network, the real relationship is obviously the one between the CEO and his or her C-suite, and more specifically the IT director.”

In the end, Jerry Garcia’s message to CEOs couldn’t be simpler. “Look for the answer to the following questions: how do you empower the IT service manager to advocate for your network? How do you best support your executive team members to work together to build a network that enables everyone to achieve departmental and business results?”

After all, it’s the business that sets the rules for the network. But it’s the top management that sets the rules for the business… and the CEO that leads that management team.


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