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L’analytique fait partie des fonctions opérationnelles qui conviennent parfaitement aux clouds publics ou hybrides. Démonstration avec SAS

L'analytique dans le cloud, une évidence pour SAS !

Data Intelligence

Analysis, BI, Prediction, Planning, Boardroom


Sep 13, 2021 | Data intelligence | 0 comments


Companies are now choosing cloud analytics to easily access an ever-increasing mass of data, to benefit from increased data sharing and collaboration, also for faster targeting and time to value. and, of course, to reduce operating costs. 451 Research locates the shift to cloud-native analytics in 2020; the firm attributes its success to the expansion of containers, microservices and service networking.

“Analytics in the cloud is more than a choice of deployment,” said Mathias Coopmans, EMEA Presales Manager Architecture & Cloud, SAS. This is, for me, the best way to break down barriers between people, places, data and systems in order to fundamentally change the way people and processes interact with information, technology and each other. others.


In the cloud, but not necessarily all

The evolution of analytics solutions is moving in this direction: enabling a broader transformation of the business vision using tools that enable the upgrade and automation of data discovery, cleansing and publication. . As a result, users can collaborate with any device with the context, leverage real-time information and drive results.

To hear Mathias Coopmans, the question is no longer whether to go to the cloud, but rather what can be spent in the cloud … “Not all companies will transpose their analytics to the cloud. Indeed, analytics poses a question of security, but also of intellectual property of company data. Data sovereignty is not an empty word. In the financial sector alone, banks are developing a lot of use cases around fraud detection and investigation … “


SAS Viya 4, cloud-native analytics solution

Still. The way is cleared. Organizations seek to lead their digital transformations with agility, speed, automation, intelligence and continuity. “A cloud-native solution for advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, SAS Viya 4 is accessible regardless of the user’s skill level and is revolutionizing business intelligence to help organizations manage their activities wisely in the cloud. », Comments Mathias Coopmans. SAS Viya offers a flexible and efficient solution to perform such tasks within a container-based architecture – orchestrated by Kubernetes – and micro-services. It offers portability to different cloud environments, including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, and Red Hat OpenShift. This allows organizations to decouple analytical processes from the environments in which they operate to rapidly deploy their services and meet their decision-making needs in a much more agile manner.

“Last year, we found that companies were able to adapt more easily to change if they had already started their digital transformation. With this in mind, we provide them with an answer to where their data resides and provide them with the assistance they need to get the most out of their current investments in the cloud … ”

Cloud technologies are evolving. The architecture of SAS Viya 4 is designed to do the same. It enables customers to take full advantage of their analytics investments through the SaaS model of SAS solutions for the public or private cloud.


With Microsoft Azure, but not only

SAS Viya simplifies the deployment of models, integrates with business rules; it allows you to view and centrally manage the performance of all analytical models -SAS and open source. The platform can also be integrated into the customer’s own applications using public APIs. SAS Viya also connects and integrates with all types of data, including structured, unstructured data, text, documents, audio and images anywhere – in the cloud, on premises or in data lakes or traditional systems.

The strategic agreement between SAS and Microsoft has enabled integration with Microsoft Azure users, giving them access to the latest innovations and managing everything centrally with tools they already know. Today, SAS offers the same benefits with AWS and GCP

“Organizations have issues of industrialization, performance, cloud elasticity, and security needs; they want to avoid data replication. In addition, they want to have open solutions, capable of interconnecting with third-party, open source and proprietary tools “, continues Mathias Coopmans.

This is where the role of partners is very important. “We are project leaders: we are committed to deliverables and results. On the other hand, we are not integrators; we work with integrators specializing in the development of Viya such as LACO or Core Compete, a subsidiary of Accenture, and consulting companies such as KPMG. ”

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